January 24, 2025

How to Add a Count Up Animation in Webflow

Animate a number counting up from Zero in Webflow with a few simple steps. CountUp starts when the element is in view.

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Overview 🔢

Add a CountUp animation to any Webflow website in seconds.

Countup animations in web design offer a captivating way to display numerical data. By gradually increasing values, these animations add dynamism and visual interest, making them ideal for showcasing achievements, statistics, or other data-driven content. This approach enhances the user experience with its appealing and interactive nature.

This guide walks you through adding this feature for free, or you can use our free Booster app for a one-click integration into your projects. Install the official Boosters App to get started.

Instructions ✍️

1. Add the CountUp script to your project

Copy the script and paste it into the <head> section of your custom code settings. If you prefer a quicker setup, you can use our Webflow Boosters App to install the script and add the component to your project instantly (100% Free).

<!-- Flowbase Booster [Count Up] -->
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@flowbase-co/boosters-countup@1/dist/countup.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
2. Add the Counter Text Element

Place any text-element on your page where you want the number to appear. While any text-element will work, a plain text element is usually the best choice. You can style the text as you need, and add multiple elements in you wish to show more than one.

3. Add Attributes to Counter

Once you've added the text-element as described above, simply add the following attributes to apply your desired settings. You can adjust the values to meet your specific requirements.

  • Name: fb-count and Value: true.
  • Name: fb-count-target and Value: 999. This is the value that we will count up to, you can set any number even ones with decimals.
  • Name: fb-count-time and Value: 5000. This value sets the duration in ms of the count time, so in this case it would be 5 seconds.
  • Name: fb-count-delay and Value: 800. This value sets the delay in ms before the counter starts.

For prefixes and suffixes (e.g., $, %, £), add a separate text element next to your CountUp element.

4. Publish and Review

After adding the attributes and styling your text element, publish your site to make the changes live. If you’re working with a staging environment, push the updates to the staging server first to review the functionality. Once you’ve confirmed everything is working as expected, publish the site to your live domain.

When the element is scrolled into view, it should count up smoothly from zero to your specified number. Make sure to test this on different devices and browsers to ensure consistent performance.

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